- "The What"- Well frankly, at this point in time I don't have a clue as to what I will be blogging about. I suppose it will have something to do with whatever unimportant things happen to be eventing themselves in my life at the given time. I also suppose it will vary (in extremes) from spiritual thoughts to the occasional pointless rant, though I'll try to keep those to a minimum. I, personally, think it will be good, wholesome, and entertaining. Also, I personally, think it will probably be, confusing, frustrating, and at times, seemingly neverending. But i believe it will be worth the five minutes i take from you. One thing i ask is that you do finish each post I make, regardless of how lost and confused you feel. I'll eventually tie the knot in all the loose ends, I promise..or at least i'll try to pull in as many as i can.
- "The How"- It will be a choatic, messy, unorganized mess trying its best to be organized through all the choas going on upstairs. Again, you're kinda in my head right now, I would like this to reflect whatever it is that is going on up there. I'll prolly jump back and forth from 1st person to 3rd person, but it's my blog, and I can do that. I can also promise you, that at some point, you'll get lost. Don't worry. Just keep reading. You'll eventually catch on and i think overall, you'll be happy you did. Pretty sure I'll use words that i definitely do not actually use in normal conversation (mostly in part to the fact that I probably don't know what they mean. I am also from southeastern oklahoma..I do not want to sound like it on here, though verbally, i do so very much.) I do this because I want to look trendy. I think trendy people do this all the time. They don't understand half of what they do or say, nor why they're really doing it or saying. But it's something and it's different. Being trendy is just a big game of hide-and-seek. One is looking for something that sets them apart from others, and once they think they've found it, they horde it so they can be different and have that like piece of power, then once they find out it doesn't really set the apart from anything, they look to see if another has found it. And i'm not just talking about clothes, or possessions, etc. I mean trendy as very broad, even ideas. I like trendy things alot. A good friend of mine once said there is a reason for trendy things being trendy(he was mainly talking about physical things), and i agree with that for the most part about most trendy things. I love the thought of looking like a trendy guy that isn't trying to look trendy. It just flows naturally to him because he's prolly the dude that started the trend in the first place. He's, unwillingly, the head of a whole trendy movement. He actually tries not to be trendy, it's just that whatever he does, people tend to follow him and do what he does, because he looks like he knows what he's doing, when reality he has no clue. He's just trying to be unique and different, and all the while thinking, "..why does it seem like these stupid people keep mimicking the stupid things i do?" and the trendy people are thinking, "wow, that guy is different, noone else is doing that, he must know something i don't." and so they do what he does. I think trendy people are funny because they are all trying to be unique and individualized, but they are all doing the same things to acommplish their uniquness, thus unrooting whatever they were trying to accomplish in the first place. It's just a never ending cycle that makes no sense at all, buts it's simply fun to be a part of...whatever that means. By the way, have you noticed how i write yet? I'm really bad about going off subject to make a point, and and doing the same thing again, and again, and again until i've lost the reader(and myself for that matter). But I will always bring the story back to my initial thought, so just hang in there... Okay, putting the wrapper on the trendy topic. I believe one of the reasons why people are always looking to others is because there is a void in them. They don't know what it is, and they don't know how to look for it. All they know is that it's out there somewhere and they want to find it. They want the infinite joy it brings, the state of tranqulity and the peace of mind. They go about this any many different ways, potentially by analyzing others. They look to those that seem have a direction, for a direction, sometimes, regardless of what or where that direction is taking them, or at what cost. Which brings me to..(on second thought)..I think this is a good time to move to the next step.."The Why."
- "The Why"- So let me preface this with a summary of what i said earlier, that you may, or may not have understood out of all that..uh, mess. I think people, naturally and by our very nature, have a void inside them. From birth. They don't understand it, nor understand where it comes from. But they know it separates them from something, and they want back that attachment. This causes them to have an uncontrollable urge to fillthat void, by any means necessary. This potentially leading them down any number of paths for the search. (Fame, Fortune..Food. Pick your poison.) We rush through our lives aimlessly looking and following those that might have whatever it is we're looking for. And time after time, once we sink our hands into whatever it is they have, we find that they were just as lost as we were and probably doing the same thing, thinking we had found it instead. Well my friends, I want to share with you, that i have the key. and unlike other keys, this one found me. and trust me, it brings joy beyond belief or description (mainly because it hasn't ceased to grow with me yet, so i can't even begin to describe it) it gives us direction, it's not trendy, and most importantly..it fills that void that we all hate but just can't seem to escape. My friends, "It" is Jesus. "It" is The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. "It" doesn't go out of style, run out of gas, cheat on you, or get demolished by floods. It is eternal, and what it brings to us is freeIt's a gift, given to us by the grace and unabounding love of God, our creator and through repentance and acceptance of a relationship with Jesus Christ you can have it to.
It is changing me, and causing me to grow and it will continue to do so for the remainder of my life. This blog will, i suppose, reflect a tip of the berg of what God has done, is doing, and will do in my life. And i pray that it does the same in yours.
Welcome to A Growing Chase.
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